bridesmaids dress shinning in the beautiful colours

by Emma

When choosing wedding dresses, the couple need to according to the selected suitable dress wedding theme. The bridesmaid and best man also wedding top beautiful scenery, the bride needs to choose suitable for the bridesmaid dress.

Color of the bridemaid should be as bright as possible, sometimes you can use Grand style , but also not too revealing.

Brilliant design easy to give more profound also can not too mainstream, however, it appears the wedding is not very serious.

Sedate and easy grey as a bridesmaid dress, also can add a lot of fashion sense. Although gray slightly conservative, concise dress design, tie-in the temperament of the maid of honor is also a good choice. Wedding, bridesmaid, if need to pose also need not fear too. If it is a traditional wedding, red dress should be called classic. According to the traditional custom is only suitable for the bride and the lineal elders to wear bright red.

Classic style of bright red is not for a bridesmaid dress, it is easy to appear with the bride spotlight stealer. If you don't want to lead on important days grab limelight, so details are classic but not eyelet dresses are best. 

 Wedding the bride is the protagonist, but the maid of honor is not in self-dispelling nameless , she is the same noble as the wedding banquet , an elegant dress can also more show your attention to the the bride wedding instead.

A bridesmaid outfit also can have different style and color, shows its lively and lovely, or classical nostalgia, but as long as not too abrupt, low-key, concise, elegant, and consistent with the temperament of the bride not just "a presumptuous guest usurps the host's role"!

Four tips for selecting bridesmaid dresses

by Emma

Don't presumptuous guest usurps the host's role dress design should't be too obtrusive

Due to match the theme, Bridesmaid gown and the bride's wedding dress should be similar in theme.Also with proper tire and gloves. Both two can use the same fabric, but can be slightly different on style, so can make everyone look very beautiful and not routinist.

Color of the dress try to stay away from whitechampagne or pink is preferred.

For the bridesmaid,The most common color is pink . But bridesmaids can slso abandon common pink formal suit,you have various choices, powder blue, green, champagne gold colour is not only suitable for the maid of honor, also can reflect young women and perfect skin.

Dress shape should be luxurious and elegant

As we all know dress shouldn`t be too routinist, otherwise it will upstage the bride, will make the offence of elders. Outside a condole belt of backless dress, for example, you can build a shawl, appear mature grace immediately. For thin type, upper body dress can have a wavy or drape design, make body plump; Type and plump, waist can choose ring shoulders and big v-neck style, the neck can be stretched, face and body is relatively thin, hem can be relaxed, can appear more thin waist

The material of bridesmaid dresses should make you feel comfortable and convenient

There are several materials:elegant richly velvet cloth, elegant and gorgeous classic lace chiffon, romance, or sending out luster, compose feels dye-in-the-wood satin material, elegant and fit clipping, can foil a bridesmaid and graceful lightsome. Silks and satins always be the first selection woolen fabric that makes you feel comfortable, the simple sense of smooth silk can sparkle below banquet lamplight shine,Besides silk beauty properly, full of bright light outside and not make public, not upstage cover, as well as reveal the beauty of the image.

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